At this point, the novelty of working from home may have worn off. Instead of it being something exciting and new that didn’t require a pesky commute, you may feel like you’re in a bit of a slump. To be fair, the end of August and beginning of September usually feel slow. Long, hot days can make it harder to focus, which can be frustrating.
As adults, we no longer have the excitement of a new school year to bring new life into this season, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the changing of the seasons as a way to get our productivity jump started again!
Top 10 ways to be more productive at work.
1. Reevaluate your schedule.
While it may feel good to sleep in until the last minute, waking up with enough time to have breakfast and get ready for your day will do wonders for your mood and your productivity. If you start your workday dressed for success and feeling fresh, you will be in the right headspace to get everything done.
2. Clean up your office.
If you’re anything like me, your desk might be looking a bit too cluttered right now. Take a few minutes to put everything back where it belongs. Clean surroundings will help clear your mind and make you feel less stressed. The less stress you feel, the easier and more pleasant it will be to get some work done.