Maintain your professional image even if you’re wearing sweatpants to work.
Many of us are working from home right now. There are undoubtedly many benefits to working from home, but it can be easy to forget to check your professional brand.
Here are four tips on how to develop and maintain your professional image while working from home.
“When you look good, you’ll feel good. Working from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take pride in your appearance and dress for the job!”
1. Take pride in your appearance
We used to get dressed to go to the office every day, but many of us are now enjoying the more casual dress code. While it can feel nice to stay in your pajamas every once in a while, it’s important to dress the part.
To get some new ideas for comfortable yet professional work outfits, start by organizing your closet with intention.
- Take stock of what clothing you have. Knowing what options you have will make it easier to get dressed.
- Think about which pieces of clothing you actually enjoy wearing. If something is uncomfortable or doesn’t make you happy, it may be time to donate it.
- If any clothes are out of season, properly store them until it’s time to wear them again.
Once your closet is organized, create a few outfits that can be your work-from-home go-to’s. This is especially great for those days you just don’t feel inspired to get dressed.
When you go through the effort of getting ready for the day, you will be more productive, happier, and be in the right headspace to get your work done!
2. Keep your LinkedIn updated
LinkedIn is a great place to keep in touch with clients, business partners, coworkers, and other agents in your area. You can find networking opportunities, classes, and updates on what’s going on in the world of real estate. These updates will help keep you connected to your community.
When posting on LinkedIn, remember to keep your updates professional and informative. Your connections will appreciate hearing about what you’ve been up to these past few months and the resources you’ve been using or learning from.
Check out our post on how to use some of the more common social media networks here!
“When getting headshots taken, wear your favorite work outfit! Confidence is one of the best ways to portray professionalism.”
3. Get some new headshots taken
One of the best ways to maintain your professional image is by updating your headshot. Using a professional or going to a studio may not be an option right now, but phone cameras are so good that you can take them yourself or have a family member help out. With a few simple tricks and edits, your photos will be ready to post!
- Use a solid background to reduce distraction, or find a nice area outdoors to take advantage of natural light.
- Wear your favorite work outfit. The more comfortable you feel, the more your confidence will show in your photos!
- Try taking photos in the hour or so before sunset to get a nice, warm glow in your photos.
- Play around with the exposure and contrast in the photo to make it brighter.
Once you have your new headshots, update your social media profiles so your followers can be reminded of how professional you can be!
4. Keep your workspace and time as professional as possible
It can be hard to set up a workspace at home that is separate from your family and your life. Do your best to keep it as professional as possible by trying some of the following ideas.
- Clean up! Keeping your workspace clean will provide an air of professionalism.
- Have a dedicated workspace and turn off the TV! Limit distractions in your workspace, so you stay focused on your work.
- Turn off notifications for social media and other personal accounts while working.
It’s also essential you stick to your work hours. When you’re working from home, it’s easy to sit back down at your computer after dinner to send a few more emails. Once you’ve closed the “office” for the day, keep it that way!