Many things make up neighborhoods. Sometimes a neighborhood is only made up of homes, but other times the area may include parks, a library, or local shops. Walking to a local coffee shop or being only a quick drive to the grocery store are great selling points.
A neighborhood expert will be able to point out things nearby, like:
- Post offices
- Coffee shops
- Grocery stores or corner stores
- Restaurants and bars
- Libraries
- Local theaters
- Boutiques or other shops
- Gyms, fitness and recreation centers
- Parks and sports facilities
Yelp is a great resource for learning more about local businesses and more.
In more rural areas where things aren’t quite as walkable, highlight the open space that can be used for gardening, walking, and other activities. Be sure to point out the peace, quiet, and privacy offered by the more spread-out areas.
When the activities people like to do are nearby, it will be easier for them to envision themselves happy and healthy in their new home in a new area.