Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2023

Resolutions for your real estate business


2023 is soon to be upon us and as a real estate agent, you might be ready for a digital marketing refresh. Here are some ideas for how to market online better in the new year.

1. Repurpose Content

Let’s make 2023 the year of less work with more results. Does that sound like a good plan? To do so, make sure you’re squeezing everything you can from the content you’re producing. If you’ve written a blog for instance providing advice on certain topics, don’t forget to use that content to create a host of other digital assets, such as:

  • Infographics
  • Social media posts
  • YouTube videos
  • TikTok videos
  • LinkedIn articles
  • Email blasts


2. Add in More Video

Yes, video is still taking priority when it comes to social media content. The good news? Recording a video can be much faster than writing an article. And the best part? You can take that video content and transcribe it into an article rather quickly. Embracing the video age is a surefire way to boost your digital marketing strategy.

3. Embrace What’s Working Best in Your Digital Market, Cut the Rest

You’re probably familiar with the 80/20 rule that states you get 80% of your results from 20% of your efforts. But to take advantage of this concept, you first have to analyze where that 80% is coming from and what efforts are working the most. Once you’ve done the hard work of digging into your analytics, it’s time to do the easy step of cutting out the low-performing tasks and leaning in on the areas that bring you the best ROI (whether that’s social media ads, SEM or content marketing).

4. Update Old Content

Similar to repurposing your content, it can be very helpful to take a look at older content you’ve produced and update it quickly to create new content. Whether that’s adjusting facts which have changed in terms of laws or regulations, or just providing newer data and current more timely content, a look back at what you’ve already invested your time in can be an efficient way to generate new content for your website and social media.

5. Focus on the Low Competition Keywords

If you’re attempting to rank for your website content organically, it’s very important to understand what you’re up against. By analyzing what keywords are the most competitive in your region, you can create a more efficient strategy. For instance, by using a tool like Semrush, you can locate low competition keywords which might be easier to rank for than those very popular terms everyone around you is writing about with the hopes of making Google’s first page.

6. Outsource Whenever Possible

We’ve discussed the benefits of outsourcing in previous posts but it’s always good to reassess and see what new tasks you can take off of your plate. By remembering that you have a very limited and fixed set of hours in your work week, you can eliminate the tasks someone else can complete (or which you can automate), leaving you with the items (like client interactions and personal networking) that require your personal touch.

7. Localize as Much as Possible

You probably already have a specific territory that you’re committed to serving. But do you have a blog post on every neighborhood in that region? Have you run specific social ads that directly target these neighborhoods? Do you speak about the new tax laws, zoning changes and building developments occurring in these spots? Your business is locally-focused and that means your digital marketing strategy should focus on those local efforts.

8. Write for Your Market

Who is your target demographic? When was the last time you analyzed their lifestyles and characteristics? By taking a look at the topics that matter to your target demographic you can do a better job of showing up where they live online. Are they first time buyers who use TikTok more than Google? Or are they luxury clients who visit LinkedIn more than Facebook and Twitter these days? What appeals to them and what captures their imagination? By answering these questions you can refine your approach to connecting with them in 2023

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