This Pandemic Is Making Us Stronger
The current pandemic has changed our lives in so many unimaginable ways. We’ve had to alter how we socialize, work, and go about our day-to-day lives. We’ve had to give up many of our favorite things. However, in the midst of all the uncertainty and change, we’re also becoming stronger and more resilient. We’re finding […]
Start Planting Now For Fall Harvest
It’s not too late to start gardening this year! While many people began gardening back in the early spring, there are tons of crops you can plant in the mid-summer for harvest later this fall. A garden will bring you fresh vegetables to incorporate into your cooking, the benefits of being outside, and the satisfaction […]
Questions to Address During Virtual Home Tours
TOP 9 QUESTIONS TO ADDRESS DURING VIRTUAL HOME TOURS If you’re finding yourself hosting more and more virtual open houses, you’re not alone. Virtual home tours are on the rise right now. A virtual tour allows prospective buyers to check out a house they’re interested in without having to leave the safety of their current […]
Marketing with Facebook
Facebook is the largest social media platform. The wide range of users makes it a great social media platform to use for advertising. It allows you to connect with clients, new and old, and promote your services. Follow along to learn more about how to use Facebook for real estate marketing. Why should you use […]
Marketing with Instagram
Social media is a great way to market your business and gain clients and recognition. Most platforms offer different paid marketing options, but if you use your profile or page in the right way, they can serve a similar purpose. Instagram is very popular, and the visual-forward approach is easy for followers to digest. So, […]
How to Host a Socially-Distant Open House
9 WAYS TO HOST A SOCIALLY-DISTANT OPEN HOUSE If you’re starting to venture back into holding in-person open houses, there are a few ways you can make them safer and more comfortable for you and your clients. Keeping doors open, wearing masks, and providing hand sanitizer are some pretty typical suggestions, but we’ve thought of […]
How Much Should You Spend On Marketing?
Marketing is fundamentally one of the most important ways an agent can put themselves out there to try and gain new clients. Top agents often dedicate a significant amount of their funds to marketing campaigns, but it’s crucial to find the sweet spot that works for you and your clients. Analyze Your Business Before you […]
What Social Media Platforms Should You Use?
Social media gives businesses the power to reach out to their clients and advertise to new ones. In the real estate industry, having a social media presence is a necessity. With so many social media platforms to choose from, getting started might seem daunting. While over one hundred social media apps exist, we’re going to […]
How to Make Your Backyard Feel Like an Oasis
Even though stay-at-home orders are lifting, there are still restrictions in place for restaurants, parks, and pools. While a getaway may be needed, some states still have a required quarantine in place when you arrive, and traveling may feel a little daunting. Just because you can’t fly to a beach or go to your favorite […]
Use Direct Mail to Stand Out
It wasn’t too long ago when direct mail began overwhelming people and became the conventional way to reach potential customers and clients. As social media began to gain users from all age groups all over the world, digital marketing became the new way to advertise your business. While marketing on social media can still be […]